SP presents itself externally and internally as an extremely effective hypnosis technique that has a solution for all problems. The hypnotic approach and the work with the client is strictly maternal and uses the "Eight Rules of Mind", which are generally used in every hypnotic process. Access via the physical-somatic, intuitive level is consciously desired and a basic condition for the joint work. In this way, (unconscious) processes can be initiated that are otherwise difficult to grasp and convey. SP makes intensive use of all these advantages and applies them consciously.
SP is characterised by further advantages: Speed, security, no (or only very slight) abreactions, the highest possible self-empowerment of the client, freedom from values and the resulting trust, a high and above all individual adaptability of SP to the client, which leads to great versatility and ideal compatibility with other (therapeutic) methods and tools from mental training.
Ines Simpson expands the traditional hypnosis concept of "conscious - subconscious - unconscious" with the "superconscious", an omniscient, transcendent entity that always acts for the highest good of the client and has different characteristics. Her approach also interweaves aspects of "Yager Therapy", "Parts Therapy", "Chair Therapy", work with the "inner child" with "Regression Therapy", "Gestalt Therapy" and also "Universal Therapy". She takes the "essence" of the individual therapeutic approaches, takes key aspects from them and adds - in a modular way - those elements together which she considers to be an essential part of a healing process. In doing so, however, it denies the hypnotiser its "therapeutic" function, for it is always the "superconscious" alone that performs this task.
Amazingly, the range of positive results after SP sessions is huge and extremely convincing. The successes that have been and are demonstrably achieved through SP are extremely impressive.
In fact, it seems to be a hypnosis tool that can be used for all problems and is successful in doing so. No matter whether it is a mental, psychological, physical, medical, spiritual, logical etc. problem. etc: Being Healed is about inner and outer integrity, physical and psychological integrity, self-identity and self-efficacy. It is about fulfilling basic human needs, about working through traumatic experiences, about further personal development, about processing unresolved emotions/feelings/somatic events in the body.
Ultimately, it is about inner and outer "harmony" of the (un)conscious programmes and processes that take place in the "human system" on a physical and psychological level. SP uses - according to the author's opinion - the same mechanism that becomes effective in spontaneous remissions and triggers it positively.
Nobody knows what the "superconscious mind" is in realiter; whether it is a part of our brain, whether it is something outside of us (like the connection to an information field or an independent, objectively existing "something"), whether it is a construct of a certain, powerful "ego-state" or - interpreted depth-psychologically - a banal projection of an idea, a thought. We only know one thing: the "superconscious" has certain characteristics and certain rules must be followed in working with it.
An approach model to the concept of the "superconscious" can be found in "Ego-State-Therapy" (EST): In the language of EST, the "superconscious" could thus be interpreted as an extremely resourceful "ego-state" that shares all three basic characteristics of those, namely 1. inner strength, 2. inner help and 3. the ability to introspect and thus successfully find/implement solutions. In addition to this, the "superconscious" has another property or resource: that of transcendence, which enables it to have "superhuman" properties and abilities. This is the fundamental difference between EST and SP. With the resulting inclusion of an additional, sixth level of relationship in comparison to EST - namely the ontological relationship between the clients and the "primordial ground of being, of creation" itself. With this, SP has a "miracle cure" that can unravel and solve even seemingly hopeless problems for the clients, because it provides a further, beyond the clients, reference system that has the possibility of solving problems or fulfilling tasks "externally" and thus avoids the "blind spots" that every system inevitably has when it thinks about itself.
One of the other reasons why SP works excellently is that this method offers an absolute self-empowerment of the clients. They learn to regulate, adapt and optimise their emotions, feelings, self-perceptions and self-image with the help of the "superconscious". They can work on their self-image and actively shape it. They can work on their own inner integrity and actively shape it. They learn to better recognise, control and optimise their somatic feedback processes within their body (both "bottom-up" and "top-down" communication). They train their self-awareness, recognise their own inner programmes and learn how to influence them.
So far, no risks are known. On the contrary: due to the extremely maternal approach, the strict client-centredness without suggestions, the low risk of an abreaction, the possibility of "unconsciously processing" traumatic experiences, the "not having to talk" about problems, this is one of the gentlest hypnotherapeutic methods of all.
What could be another secret of SP's success? According to the author, an essential pillar of success lies in the open, indirect way of asking questions, the "superconsciousness" as a mediating, omniscient authority and a solid processing of certain fundamental basic themes (before the "matter" is processed at all), namely: self-worth, self-love, (self-)trust, trust in others, feeling loved and accepted by life, the inclusion of the "soul" (whatever that is), of "soul parts" and their "bringing together" (however that works in reality!).
Furthermore, the positive dealing with guilt, shame and forgiveness, being able to let go, saying goodbye to habits, disentangling unhealthy relationship patterns and - in the main part of the protocol - working through an extensive catalogue of questions, which solves "the issue" from all sides - but always hypnotically, indirectly and without the intervention of the conscious mind - and is able to provide for the client's "highest good" and to settle "the issue". (Whatever that was.) Including an extensive hypnotic eco-check on a wide variety of levels.
SP is a sophisticated hypnotherapeutic procedure. Since 2018 at the latest, the form of the "classical SP" had more or less taken shape and the annual changes mainly concerned questions of detail; in parallel, supplementary "modules" or entirely separate "programmes" developed in recent years to expand and complete the "classical SP".
In 2021, the Simpson Protocol already included ten different programmes:
1. SP Holistic Sexual Health Program
2. SP Optimal Weight Program
3. SP Foundational Birthing Program
4. SP Fertility Program
5. SP Medical Program
6. SP Smoking Cessation Program
7. Spiritual Hypnosis with SP
8. Chakra Hypnosis with SP
9. Forgiveness Work in the Bardo Stage in SP
10. SP Holistic Program to work with Physical Dis-Order and Dis-Ease
In summary: The "Simpson Protocol" presents itself as an extremely attractive technique, extremely solution-oriented, amazingly efficient and versatile (the "open source character" is also interesting here). Above all, the long, intensive - possibly incomplete - analysis phase at the beginning as a potential source of error is omitted.
This is probably the most fundamental difference to psychotherapy. That is why SP can never replace psychotherapy!!! The goals of both working methods are too different. In Sandra's opinion, however, both form an ideal complement.
It would be desirable if many more psychotherapists would get to know this method in order to be able to help their clients at certain points in the therapy to get over things that talking alone does not help (or helps too little or too slowly).
Whatever happens during and between SP sessions, most clients agree that it is amazing, 'different', unexpected and sometimes life-changing. A verbal reaction of a client in her final interview is exemplary for many other clients and their experiences with SP. She said: "I really have a hard time putting all this into words. I only know one thing: it has changed my life."
You may use the quoted texts at any time, provided they are marked with the citation
Quoted from: "Sandra Schwaighofer (2022):"'OPEN SOURCE HYPNOSIS': THE SIMPSON PROTOCOL. No matter what the problem. A solution. New ways between mental training and hypnosis.", diploma thesis VITAK Salzburg. Salzburg: Self-published."
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