2 min read

Another approach/explanation to the concept of "superconscious mind" can be found in "ego-state therapy" (EST): Those who are not comfortable with the transcendent, spiritual component of "superconsciousness" are well served by EST. For the goal of EST and most of its basic premises are congruent with SP, namely.

"(...) the empowerment of people (...) to establish a higher inner consistency and coherence in the process of exchange with the environment and thus to promote growth processes, development potentials, the ability to relate and self-determination."

Kai Fritsche describes ego states as "(...) energies of the personality that have emerged from interaction with the environment and often arise from the need to solve problems or overcome conflicts. They are creative outgrowths of both the brain and the personality in the human organism's effort to get through the world in which it lives." (...) Ego-states develop strategies to provide for the satisfaction of basic needs as well as consistency regulation. (...) Similar to the experience of hunger and the subsequent action orientation towards the procurement of food, an activation is triggered in the organism as soon as a lack or a threat occurs with regard to a basic psychological need. The order is to be carried out as effectively as possible."

In the language of EST, the "superconscious" could thus be interpreted as an extremely resource-rich ego-state that shares all three of the basic characteristics of those: 1. inner strength, 2. inner help and 3. the ability to introspect and thus successfully find/implement solutions.

In addition to this, the "superconscious" has another quality or resource: that of transcendence, which enables it to have "superhuman" qualities and abilities. This is the fundamental difference between EST and SP. With the resulting inclusion of an additional, sixth level of relationship in comparison to EST - namely the ontological relationship between the clients and the "primordial ground of being, of creation" itself. With this, the SP has a "miracle cure" that can unravel and solve even seemingly hopeless problems for the clients, because there is thus a further, beyond the clients, reference system that has the possibility of solving problems or fulfilling tasks "externally" and thus avoids the "blind spots" that every system that thinks about itself inevitably has.

The arrow in the centre. Goals in hypnosis.

The process-oriented goals of the EST and the SP are very similar, in direct comparison they are:

• EST, Goal 1: Establishing contact with ego-states.

>> SP, goal 1: >> Pre-talk and introduction of the concept of "superconsciousness" and inner, "higher" guidance.

• EST, Goal 2: Establishing communication with ego-states.

>> SP, Goal 2: >> Introducing the ideomotor signals.

• EST, Goal 3: Developing acceptance for ego-states.
>> SP, Goal 3: >> Consent of the client to let the SCM "do the work" and solve the problem AND consent of the practitioner to let it work on this issue at this moment!

• EST, Goal 4: Develop understanding of the functionality of the ego-states.
>> SP, Goal 4: >> Principle of non-judgement, non-value and no explanations regarding the issue!

• EST, Goal 5: Support of ego-states.
>> SP, Goal 5: >> The "superconscious" always supports the clients and never vice versa.

• EST, Goal 6: Use of ego-states.
>> SP, Goal 6: >> Identical.

• EST, Goal 7: Developing an inner support system.
>> SP, Goal 7: >> identical.

Goal four is fundamentally opposed to goal four of EST in SP because of the characteristics of "superconsciousness". At the same time, this is what makes the concept of the Simpson Protocol elegant and strong.

You may use the quoted texts at any time, provided they are marked with the citation 

Quoted from: "Sandra Schwaighofer (2022):"'OPEN SOURCE HYPNOSIS': THE SIMPSON PROTOCOL. No matter what the problem. A solution. New ways between mental training and hypnosis.", diploma thesis VITAK Salzburg. Salzburg: Self-published."  

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