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Case description in SCHWAIGHOFER, Sandra (2022), p. 56f:

"Client #06 (mother) and client #07 (daughter) came in as a "double pack": due to the homeschooling situation by Corona, the mother was extremely stressed whether she would also be able to cope with the demands, Corona was also seen as an extreme external stress factor in the family. In addition, the daughter had exam anxiety, stuttering and word-finding problems (especially when reading aloud or giving a presentation). In addition, difficult family dynamics (abuse) and fear were discussed.

Since the daughter was initially rather shy and not open to hypnosis, the author suggested to the mother a so-called "surrogate hypnosis" (cf. chapter 2.6., p. 29.), in which the mother could experience her daughter's problems from her perspective and also solve them. Already in the following days, the mother reported a clear improvement in the teaching situation at home, which had previously suffered massively due to daily crying fits, tantrums, daughter's crying etc. The mother also reported that her daughter was able to solve her problems from her perspective. 

After this first partial success, in the next session in a three-person setting, everyone played "fun NLP games", the concept of "superconscious mind" was playfully introduced for the daughter as a "golden magic ball". In the debriefing with the mother, the topic of speed, time pressure, emotional role modeling of the mother, rapport, pacing & leading was discussed and a plan for the coming week(s) was made. As the daughter was still not open to hypnosis, the build-up work was continued by other means: Not only the "Circle of excellence" (i.e. also the magic ball!) was put into the "Magic Box", but also other things that the daughter wished for (certain colours, certain qualities, pictures, feelings, things, characteristics...); in this way, the concept of superconscious mind was further expanded in a playful way, linked with other NLP techniques and extended. This was followed by another debriefing with the mother, in which the handling of the topic of speed and time pressure was further practised and discussed, namely to be able to experience speed and time pressure as joy and positive challenge (especially for the daughter). Another topic: optimising the bonding between mother and child in stressful situations, with the aim of building up and using the mother's non-verbal reaction as a positive reinforcer in these situations; further follow-up discussions with the mother and indications of important changes in the mother's behaviour during learning and "playing" followed.

Only after this extensive preliminary work was the daughter open enough to be "officially" hypnotised with SP and it was possible to work on the core issue: the stuttering when speaking and reading and the word-finding disorders that sometimes occurred. The forgiveness work in SP proved to be an important part of this, with which the daughter was able to resolve her mother problems (including "insults" by her mother). After a total of ten sessions, all problems were solved (and a few more problems that cannot be mentioned here for reasons of discretion).

From my to your heart.

Excerpt from:
Sandra Schwaighofer (2022):"'OPEN SOURCE HYPNOSIS': THE SIMPSON PROTOCOL. No matter what the problem. A solution. New ways between mental training and hypnosis.", diploma thesis VITAK Salzburg, page 56f.

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