1 min read

"If our feelings meet our thoughts, we create our reality."

As a cert. SP practitioner • cert. mind coach • cert. opera singer human beings were the key point of my interest: People - "being human in itself" are my great passion. Always been.

Ever since I can remember, I have wanted to know: 
Who we are. Where we come from, where we are going. Why we are the way we are. Who created us and why. What makes people "tick," why people behave the way they do. What they think when they think - and what they do when they don't think. Why we have certain emotions - or don't. What emotions we humans have - or don't have. Why some people are broken by life and others rise like a phoenix from the ashes. What this is "mental strength", "resilience" - and why these are so unequally distributed among people.

Hypnosis united my different fields of education, interest and profession. In all three fields I acitvely used hypnosis, even if I was not consciously aware of it at the beginning. And it changed my life profoundly.

After years of a severe illness it even somehow saved my life and made it possible to return to my old power, strength and commitment: With the Simpson Protocol I could resolve my severe (C-)PTSD and was able to return to professional life again. Since then, I am not the same person anymore.

So, wherever you come from - I feel you. And I want to  encourage you: its worth it! Whatever your goal is you want to achieve: Go for it! It's possible, even if it seems impossible at first. Hypnosis is one of those "tools of mind" that changes lifes. Not only mine. You deserve it as well.

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